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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Turning a Leaf

So, I haven't been doing much crocheting lately partially because my crazy work schedule and sudden interest in knitting. Right now I'm working on my knit alpaca top and a cute idea for a knit green blanket.  since I'm not so keen on patterns i'm attempting these projects blind and with a trial by error process.  The ladies at SnB have been so wonderful with helping me when I'm in need of some desperate help from the yarn masters.

Pretty soon here I do have to make one hat for a friend at work she wants a baby pug hat.... i think it should turnout pretty cute .  I mean I already have a drawn up pattern from a previous pug project.  If I had a good working camera again I could take photos of it... but sadly my camera bit the dust and all my SD cards are full with hat photos lol.  But if i have to I'll take a bad photo of it with my phone it'll have to do until September when the new iPod touch comes out.... (it's going to have a camera ) I'm super excited!!

So back to hats.... i sadly won't be able to make any new hats for a little bit because i will hopefully be moving pretty soon..... like end of the summer soon.   I'm a little nervous about the bigness of the city but I think Philadelphia will be a nice place to live for a while.  lots of jobs, a art district, once a month people get together and have a giant street vending day, the people are friendlier, and there's lots of crap to do, and you don't need a car in the city... lots of public transportation.   i'm excited and nervous i guess.  I sadly haven't been able to find a job via email and phone yet but at the end of the summer we'll go down there and run around until we find a job  and stay with gorgeous' sister for a bit until we get on our feet and can get our own place.  then when that happens my best-est buddy Jess can come and stay with us  :o)

well that's my big update for now i might write again soon...

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