Everything in the world can be broken down into very basic and simple shapes. When you look at anything in life you're probably seeing simple breakdowns of many sized circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles or pretty much any other shapes that are closely related to those ones. With all these shapes you can build anything that you can imagine. With combinations of different shapes you can create a whole new complete shape. We can do all this with a little yarn and a crochet hook. I will show you how to create all the wonderful basic shapes that you will need to make any project your imagination can come up with.
Abbreviation Key:
(if you have any troubles go to youtube, they have tons of awesome tutorials)
ch = Chain
ch = Chain
sc = Single Crochet
st = Stitch
sl = slip
rep = repeat
Rnd =round that you are working in a circular fashion
Row= row you are working
* = denotes repeats
tog = together
dec = decrease by looping together next two single crochet stitches
bp = Back Post
inc = Increase by adding another single crochet into the same stitch also written as "2sc"
(First comes first, aways start with your basic chain stitch)
ROW 1: ch 10, turn
ROW 2-10: *1 sc, rep from *to end of row, turn
After your Last stitch on row 10 Fasten with sl st.
RND 1: Beg. Ch 2
RND 2: 5 sc into Beg st
RND 3: *2 sc rep from * to end of rnd
RND 4: *1 sc, 2 sc, rep from * to end of rnd
RND 5: *1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc, rep from * to end of rnd
RND 6: *1 sc, 1 sc, 1 sc, 2 sc, rep from * to end of rnd
(to make even larger continue with the trend of the pattern increasing "1 sc" each rnd)
END RND: *1 sc, rep from * to end of rnd (if wavy around the edges add one more RND of 1 sc ), fasten with a sl st
Triangle (top to bottom {has a curve to it}):
ROW 1: ch 8, turn
ROW 2-5: *1sc rep from * to end of row, turn
ROW 6: sc dc, *1 sc, rep from *until you have 2 sts left, sc dc, turn
ROW 7-9: *1sc rep from * to end of row, turn
ROW 10: sc dc, *1 sc, rep from *until you have 2 sts left, sc dc, turn
ROW 11-12: *1sc rep from * to end of row, turn
ROW 13: *sc dc, rep from * to end of row, turn
ROW 14: *1sc rep from * to end of row, turn
ROW 15: sc dc, turn
ROW 16: sc, fasten to make sl st
RND 1: ch 10 (or however many you need)
RND 2: *1 sc, rep from * to end of rnd
RND 3-15: *1 sc rep from * to end of rnd, fasten with sl st.
(To make larger add more ch sts to the Beg, to make longer just keep rep RND 3.)
So now that you know the basic shapes you can experiment with them to create your own awesome shapes that you can use for anything!!!!
So now that you know the basic shapes you can experiment with them to create your own awesome shapes that you can use for anything!!!!